

You can copy data to the clipboard using the Set-UDClipboard cmdlet. It needs to be used within an Endpoint and cannot be called from a top-level content block.

New-UDButton -Text 'Copy to Clipboard' -OnClick {
    Set-UDClipboard -Data 'Copied text'


You can redirect users to different pages using Invoke-UDRedirect. It needs to be used within an Endpoint and cannot be called from a top-level content block. If you specify the -OpenInNewWindow switch parameter, it will open in a new tab or window.

New-UDButton -Text 'Open Google' -OnClick {
    Invoke-UDRedirect -Url https://google.com -OpenInNewWindow

Anchor / Focus

You can focus an HTML by the ID selector using Select-UDElement. This will help the tab-heavy users navigate your site, and allows for dynamic moving of focus.

If you specify the -ScrollToElement the browser will scroll the element into sight. Example To the top button:

New-UDButton -Text 'To the top' -OnClick {
    Select-UDElement -ID "FirstRow" -ScrollToElement

Where "FirstRow" is the ID of any element in the top. Any HTML element with a specified ID can be used as an anchor.

Last updated