

New-UDMuTypography -Variant h1 -Text "Header"
New-UDMuTypography -Variant h2 -Text "Header"
New-UDMuTypography -Variant h3 -Text "Header"
New-UDMuTypography -Variant h4 -Text "Header"
New-UDMuTypography -Variant h5 -Text "Header"
New-UDMuTypography -Variant headline -Text "Header"
New-UDMuTypography -Variant subtitle1 -Text "Subtitle"

No Wrap

New-UDMuTypography -NoWrap -Text "This is a very long line that does not wrap. This is a very long line that does not wrap.This is a very long line that does not wrap.This is a very long line that does not wrap.This is a very long line that does not wrap.This is a very long line that does not wrap.This is a very long line that does not wrap.This is a very long line that does not wrap.This is a very long line that does not wrap."


New-UDMuTypography -Align right -Text "Alignment"

Last updated