
The footer can be customized to show different links, set copyright text or to customize the colors.

Removing "Created with PowerShell Universal Dashboard"

If you have a license for PowerShell Universal Dashboard Premium or Enterprise, you can remove the link as follows.

$Footer = New-UDFooter 
$Dashboard = New-UDDashboard -Content { } -Title "Footer" -Footer $Footer
$Footer = New-UDFooter -Links @(
    New-UDLink -Text "Ironman Software" -Url ""
    New-UDLink -Text "" -Url ""
$Dashboard = New-UDDashboard -Content { } -Title "Footer" -Footer $Footer
$Footer = New-UDFooter -Copyright "Ironman Software, 2019"
$Dashboard = New-UDDashboard -Content { } -Title "Footer" -Footer $Footer

Last updated