Code Editor

Documentation for the Code Editor component.

This component requires a Universal Dashboard Enterprise License.


The Code Editor component is published to the PowerShell Gallery. You can install it with the following command line.

Install-Module UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor -AllowPrerelease


Creating an editor

New-UDCodeEditor -Language 'powershell' -Height '100ch' -Width '100cw' -Code 'Start-Process'

Read only editor

New-UDCodeEditor -Language 'powershell' -Height '100ch' -Width '100ch' -Theme vs-dark -Code "Get-Process" -ReadOnly

Dynamically adding content to the editor

New-UDCodeEditor -Id 'editor' -Language 'powershell' -Height '100ch' -Width '100ch' -Theme vs-dark -Code "Get-Process" -ReadOnly
New-UDButton -Text 'Add Text' -OnClick {
    Add-UDElement -ParentId 'editor' -Content {

Dynamically getting content from the editor

New-UDCodeEditor -Id 'editor' -Language 'powershell' -Height '100ch' -Width '100ch' -Theme vs-dark
New-UDButton -Text "Get Text" -OnClick {
    Show-UDToast -Message (Get-UDElement -Id 'editor').Attributes["code"]

Dynamically setting the content of the editor

New-UDCodeEditor -Id 'editor' -Language 'powershell' -Height '100ch' -Width '100ch' -Theme vs-dark
 New-UDButton -Text "Set Text" -OnClick {
    Set-UDElement -Id 'editor' -Attributes @{
        code = 'Get-Service'

Last updated